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Are You Sick Of Being Stuck In Your Business And Life?


Unlimited Cash

Everything You Need To Know About Attracting Joint Venture Money In The New World

The BIGGEST Problem!

Most real estate investors face is attracting joint venture money to buy more properties. At a certain point, we all hit the financing wall and the banks will no longer give us mortgages. For many, this means they can only buy 1 - 4 properties before the banks start saying "NO!"

If you're looking to get wealthy, 4 properties is not enough! If you want to truly become wealthy you NEED to buy more properties, and this comes down to partnering. But if you don't know how to get money, which most investors don't, you'll stay right where you are! Which is slightly better off from average ...

You Want More Than Average!

If you're looking to buy this course, I know you want more than average!

In this course you'll learn how to properly build a brand to the point where you no longer need to "convince" or ask people to give you their money! There will be no pitching or lame presentations involved!

New World Marketing

In fact, when you do this correctly, people with money will come to YOU and ask YOU if they can invest with you. This is where learning how to market in the new world is crucial!

The days of print advertising, lame power point presentations and going to networking meetings are dying.

I'll show you exactly how to become a real estate investing expert and how to position your specific message through online and social media marketing to finally start closing more deals!

You'll get high level strategies on knowing exactly who to market to, how to build a brand using social media platforms, how to create a free product and build an email list and lastly, how to get money from your IDEAL joint venture partners!

If you want to take your real estate business and your life to the next level, this is the course for you!

I'll be giving you the exact strategies that I use everyday that have allowed me to travel the world where I want, when I want. This is all thanks to my real estate business and because I've built a brand that works for me even when I'm not working.

Are you ready to learn the new world of business and marketing? I'll see you on this inside!


Unlimited Cash

Everything You Need To Know About Attracting Joint Venture Money In The New World

Your Instructor

Mat Piche
Mat Piche

Mat Piche AKA The Fruitful Investor, is a real estate investor from Canada. Before he got into real estate he was a carpenter with his own business renovating properties strictly for real estate investors. As he continued to meet more investors, they all had the same complaint. They said, "Mat, I wish I had a realtor like you who understands renovations and finding cash flowing properties. All of my realtors are just like every other "Joe Realtor." They know nothing!"

With Mat wanting to get out the back breaking labor of construction, he put two in two together and made the switch to becoming a real estate agent that still specializes solely with real estate investors. By the age of 28 years old, Mat was already a millionaire from real estate investing. He built his business from the 2 properties that he bought on his own at the age of 22 to over 30 properties by the age of 30 - ALL from joint venture partners!

Course Curriculum

  Part 2 - Understanding The New World Of Marketing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 3 - Branding
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 5 - Create A Website
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 9 - Why Use Social Media?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 15 - Become A Content Creator
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Conclusion - You're Ready!
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

Get started now!