No More Thinking. More Flipping
Look, I know you're scared to drop this money and get started.
It means you're ready! It means you feel the weight.
Flipping houses like you see on HGTV looks cool. It looks easy.
And it is ... but it's also hard as fuck ...
If you don't know what you're doing and have no training, that is.

Now why learning how to flip and essentially build a marketing
business, which is what a good flipper understands, is so important - is
because it's the
foundation of the real estate pyramid!
If you're buying properties at a MASSIVE discount, you can do anything with it!
You can wholesale it.
You can wholetail it.
You can flip it.
You can hold it as a rental property.
You can Airbnb it.
You can do ANYTHING with it, because you BOUGHT right!

Here’s The Reality Of Flipping
Just one deal can change your life.
You may not like your current job, but a lot of you are tied to it.
You have a family to raise, you have bills and responsibilities - I get it dude! It's A LOT!
But if you're on this page, it's because you want more...
You NEED more from life, other than going to an unfulfilled job and paying bills.
Just looking at the market and how insane it is:
- Cost of living skyrocketing...
Housing prices LITERALLY doubling...
Wages remain stagnant...
Jobs being lost due to automation
Unless you take your income and wealth into your own hands, you may as well be screwed...
Fortunately, not all hope is lost (in fact - huge opportunity)
Your goal to ensure your family’s well-being, yes?
Then learning the foundation of real estate investing is your ticket to financial wealth and stability.
This is something I learned AFTER doing it the sloooooow way and focusing on rental properties.
I mean, I'm so happy I did it, but dude - it took me 10-12 years BEFORE I could be a full time investor.
It wasn't until I started flipping full on before I realized ...
"uh, I could just flip 3-4 houses a year and make a killer income and
HAVE to work other jobs to survive (in my case it was being a realtor specializing with investors).
I could JUST do this, work way less hours and honestly - make way more damn money anyway!

And the best part is, you can do this all with NONE of your own money!
And I'll can show you how it’s done.
It’s time to level up and bring joint venture partners in your business.
Turn your phone into a money printer.
We're no longer living in 1985...
Time have changed, the market has changed in many ways.
Fundraising isn’t about showing up to meetings.
It’s not about having the eight pitch deck and clean cut suit.
I raise MILLIONS more than the average investor... and never even wear suits.
If You've Ever Said...
- “ I live in the middle of nowhere!
“All my contacts feel sketchy…”
“I haven’t raised $1 let alone $1M”

It's time we boss up
My hometown isn’t LA or New York City.
There’s no Bugatti's rolling through my neighbourhood.
Regardless of my location, I was able to build a strong presence in the real estate world.
You’ll learn how to share your experiences, and develop a voice worth listening to.
Will you become Grant Cardone overnight?
Probably not.
Can you raise a few million to find projects and gain financial independence?
Actually, easily!!!
We’re going to shatter your limitations and take you to real estate fundraising heaven.
The question is — Are you ready to win?
Learn The A-Z Of Bringing Money In 💰
Here’s something I learned in my 12+ years of real estate investing:
There’s a million rivers that lead to the ocean.
It’s the same concept with getting capital for your real estate projects.
But that’s only the half of it… All the methods have one fundamental commonality.
You know what that is?
It’s all about finding your X.
Just like a treasure map, once you get the "X", everything falls into place.
We’ve done blogs, YT, word of mouth, literally everything from A-Z.
Once I found my X I went to $60 million in funds raised - and now it’s your turn.
You’re going to learn the fundamental commonalities that make partners run to you!
You’ll learn how to apply these marketing strategies in all of your marketing efforts…
So, if you're searching for money partners and FINALLY being a sophisticated investor - this is for you!